Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good Morning and here we are at the weekend again.

I am very pleased with the way this blog is looking and hoping to hear from some of you soon and that you will share some of the things that inspire and indulge you.

Sharing with you something which inspires me - a poem my Father and I used to read together and for him it was a fever.

Sea Fever

by John Masefield.

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.

I love the poem and it brings such happy memories to mind - days when he would start off reciting it and I would take over and then he would finish.

It is seven years since his death and things he said to me over the years still inspire me.

I am off this morning to indulge myself with a new cover for my doona (I saw it yesterday and hesitated, but I definitely must have it at bargain price.

I watched a little bird yesterday taking crumbs from my grass and then coming back again and again - I guess she was feeding little ones - such devotion.

Have a wonderful day and find something to inspire and indulge yourself.

Love and hugs,

"My soul is full of longing
For the secret of the sea,
And the heart of the great ocean
Sends a thrilling pulse through me."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


  1. I'm so glad you like it sunshine...despite my headache over the stubborn coding last night. lol Very pink and very you. And the books are very reflective of you also. Glad you like it.
    Huggles from Me

  2. Thank you Stina - it is very much me - lots of books in an untidy pile - and the colours are Me.
