Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi there on Monday - a lovely ordinary day with not much achieved but I have taken it easy and feel better for it.

I am off to have blood tests tomorrow early, so it will be an early night for me too.  I shall be going off to bed when lots of you will be getting up and starting on your Monday.

Sharing a lovely easy salad with you - I love it.

Green Slaw with Apple, Mint and Peas

  • Prep: 15 
  • Total Time: 15 
  • Serves: Serves 4-6
1/4 cup 
savoy cabbage, finely shredded
green capsicum, finely sliced
Granny Smith apples, finely sliced
1 cup 
peas, cooked and cooled
spring onions, finely sliced
1/3 cup 
sliced mint
1/2 cup 
KRAFT Coleslaw Dressing
  1. IN a large salad bowl combine the cabbage, capsicum, apple, peas, spring onions and mint. Toss through the dressing and refrigerate until required

    Have a wonderful evening/day and I hope that it is peaceful in your little corner of the world.

    Love and hugs,

    "Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda,
    I just popped in for a short visit. wow, so many tempting recipes! I wanted to let you know I visited your website and it's just gorgeous. When I saw the WOSIB approved, I really smiled! I used to be a member of WOSIB! I love the group. I learned how to make beautiful graphics there, which have helped me tremendously in creating my self-pubbed book covers. I was a member of several gardens, including the literary garden and was the head for a while. I dropped out when I began pursuing my writing as a career because I couldn't maintain a personal website and a business one. I miss all the ladies! Talk to you soon.
